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Webinar “Solidarity Communication and Non-governmental Development Organisations. Lessons Learned in the Project DigiCom2030”

On October 25th, the webinar of the research project Digicom2030 “Solidarity Communication and Non-governmental Development Organisations” took place with free access for the public. The webinar invited experts in the field of communication and solidarity. The speakers who participated in the webinar include María Íñigo Castro, the head of Department of Communication of the NGO Madre Coraje; Víctor Marí Saéz, the principal researcher of the research project DigiCom2030; and Yiheng Wang, predoctoral researcher of the project Digicom2030.

The webinar showcased the important work of Madre Coraje and some of the results of the project DigiCom2030 during interventions and discussion that lasted for an hour and half. It offered the participants an opportunity to get an insight of the work of the independent social association Madre Coraje, and learn about different communicative strategies incorporated in its day-to-day work, as well as in education for the development of citizenship. It also created a space for the public to get familiar with the research project Digicom2030, and the ways in which it relates to the Sustainable Development Goals of the Agenda 2030 of the Ministry of Social Rights.

This activity has served mainly to disseminate the results of the project among solidarity organisations, active citizens and undergraduate students from the field of Communication.

More information about the activities organised as a part of the project DigiCom2030 can be found in our Twitter (currently named “X”)https://twitter.com/DigiCom2030