Two researchers of the Project Digicom2030 will participate in the prestigious conference of IAMCR in Narobi on July 11th-15th, 2021
The paper of Yiheng Wang and Víctor Marí has been selected by the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), one of the two most important associations and conferences in Communication worldwide, to present at its conference.
The theme of the conference this year is “ Rethinking borders and boundaries: Beyond the global/local dichotomy in Communication Studies ”.
The paper presented by the two researchers in the University of Cadiz tackles a topical subject of communication initiatives launched by citizens during the COVID-19 pandemic to promote constructive and effective communication and education of health.
In concrete, the paper is entitled “Entertainment-Education and Health Communication in China versus COVID-19: ambiguities and potentialities from participatory communication research”.
The activity will undoubtedly support the internationalization of the Project in one of the most visible spaces driven by researches worldwide in the field of Communication.
See more information in the link to the conference: